Ways and methods of bringing more laughter into the world.

Monday, January 14, 2008

We Are Reflections of Each Other

We are reflections of each other. How scary is that? I can't like or dislike something about someone, unless I liked or dislike it in myself. How scary is that?

Actually it is not scary at all. I can, if I am open to it , learn from other people. And so can you. People, I believe come into our lives for a reason. They are a gift and they are meant to teach us a lesson.

We can learn about ourselves from both the positive and negative people that show up. The research suggest that positive people hang with positive and negative people hang with negative people. Successful people hang with successful people, non successful people hang with non successful people.

So what my Mom said, about watching my friends, or that my friends determined what kind of person I was, or going to become, was right on. Your friends, like everything else in your life are what you attract. So if I want to attract positive people into my life, I need to be positive.

I have, like I am sure many people have, been in some very negative relationships, both personally and professionally, and wondered why "I such a nice person," was with such negative people. Looking back now I realize that I was in a very negative place in my life, and attracting people that I felt I deserved.

Until we are happy with ourselves and love ourselves we can't attract anyone who will be happy or love us.

I am looking for you:

Are you good at sales and or marketing?
Do you like to laugh?
Do you have some time each week to spare?
Are you looking to make money based on your own efforts?
Do you want to work from your own home?

If you answered yes to three or more out of the five please call me at 480-600-5178 or janabanana15@cox.net

Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life

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