Ways and methods of bringing more laughter into the world.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sometimes We Ask Dumb and Stupid Questions

We sometimes ask each other other dumb and stupid questions or obvious questions. My daughter, has a tendency to do this. I will be in the bathroom taking a bath, and she knows that I am, but she will still ask, "Mom are you in bathroom taking a bath?" And, I answer, "No, actually I am on the roof eating a pizza." She says, "Mom, don't be rude," and I say, "Don't ask such a dumb question."

Or I am waiting for an elevator at work and someone will ask, "Are you waiting for the elevator?" "No," I answer, "I am just looking at the door, it is my day to do that." The person says, "Well, you don't have to be so rude." I say, "Well, you don't have to be so stupid."

Now I don't want you to think that I am exempt from asking dumb and stupid questions, because I am not. Living in Arizona, especially this time of year, I ask people, "Is the weather hot enough for you? That is a stupid question, considering that it is 115 degrees. What is funny, is many times, the person answers, "Well, at least it is a dry heat."As if that matters at 115.

Sometimes we, also, ask people what mood they are in when it shows on their face. For instance, your friend is obviously in a great mood, and you say, "Are you in a good mood?" Or your friend is in a bad mood, and you say, "Are you in a bad mood?" It is obvious so why do we ask?

So why do we ask dumb or stupid questions? I don't know. That is too smart a question for me.

Jana Ruth
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Live


Poetic Painter said...

Maybe we ask dumb questions because sometimes we just like to talk and don't know what else to say.

Funny Woman, Humorist and Motivational Speaker said...

I think you are right. I like that answer.