Ways and methods of bringing more laughter into the world.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Plant Joy

I saw this phrase on my co-worker's door and I thought why can't we plant joy? We plant hate, and blame, and anger, and fear? Why not joy? Someone once told me that FEAR stood for F-false, E-evidence, A-appearing, R-real.

I believe that is true. We create our lives. We think about fear, we feel fear, and than we act in fear. Our thoughts, create our feeling, which create our actions, and behaviors, which finally create our lives. We are much more powerful than we know.

So how do we go about planting joy? I have made a list below.

1. Think joyful thoughts
2. Look for joy
3. Surround yourself with positive and joyful people
4. Be more like a child
5. Look for ways to plant joy
6. Commit to living a joyful life
7. Laugh as many times a day as possible
8. Be in the present
9. Be grateful for what you have
10 Forgive others and yourself

Think what a great world it would be if everyone spend a portion of each day planting joy?

Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life

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