Laugh. Just Laugh.
We possess one of the most powerful ways to stay happy and healthy and it is laughter. Children know this. They laugh about 300 to 400 times a day. We, as adults have forgotten how to laugh. We laugh about 8 to 15 times. Laughter is physical. Humor is mental. You do not have to have a reason to laugh. Let me repeat that. You do not have to have a reason to laugh.
If you look for laughter it will find you. William James, considered the father of modern education said, "We don't laugh, because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh." If some of us waited to be happy before we laughed we would never laugh. Or as Oscar Wilde said, "Life is too important to take seriously."
I totally believe in the Law of Attraction, which tells that what we focus on we get. If I focus on my life being serious, it will be serious. If I focus on my life being happy, and fun, and full of laughter. It will be happy, and fun, and full of laughter.
I don't know about you but I want happiness, fun, and laughter in my life. So, what are some things you might do? Try doing the following, which come from my book, Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life:
- Pledge to yourself that every person you run across during the day you will help smile or laugh.
- Use exaggeration to help get perspective. Jokingly expand the situation to life and death proportions.
- Be more playful. Try being dramatic, silly, and improvisational. Others will pick up your spirit and laughter.
- Remember personal stories from your own lives that, in retrospect, are humorous. Offer these anecdotes as an antidote when others encounter problems,
- When an embarrassing moment happens to you share it with your friends and family.
- Make a list of potential stressful situations and prepare humorous responses.
- Carry a funny picture, cartoon, or joke, in your wallet or purse and look at it when you are feeling depressed.
- Hang out with people who laugh and find joy in their life
Most important Laugh. Just Laugh.
Jana RuthAuthor of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
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