Some people, no matter how old they get,Never lose their beauty- They merely move it from their faces Into their hearts.Martin Buxbaum (Writer)1912-1991
I love the above quote. Too many times as we age we start to take ourselves too seriously. We forget to laugh, and then are hearts turn cold. Through laughter life looks and is better. If you are miserable and want to stay there or aren't miserable and want to get there, this is the way:
15 Steps to Stay Miserable or How to Get There if You are Not!
- Wait for others to make you happy.
- Blame everyone else for your unhappiness
- Use "if only" whenever you can regarding time, money, or friends.
- Compare what you have with what others have.
- Always be serious.
- Take responsibility for everything bad in the world.
- Try to please everyone all the time, except yourself, and never say "no."
- Help others but don't let anyone help you.
- Consider your own wants unimportant.
- If anyone compliments you, discount it immediately.
- Never laugh or play
- Hide your own thoughts and feelings.
- Resist change at all cost.
- Strive for absolute perfection.
- Always live in the past or in the future never in the present.
Jana Ruth www.janaruth.biz
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
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