Ways and methods of bringing more laughter into the world.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
1. Laugh, just laugh.
2. Your body is stupid and doesn't know the different between fake and real. If you give a fake laugh, the benefits of laughter still happen for you.
3. Take your work seriously, just not yourself.
4. As Woody Allen said, "You might as well enjoy life as you won't get out of it alive anyway."
5. "Fake it Til You Make it!"
6. Look for humor and laughter in the world, it is all around us. As Mark Twain said, "I don't do political jokes as too often they are elected."
7. Celebrate your mistakes. That's how we learn.
8. Forgive yourself and others.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Some people, no matter how old they get,Never lose their beauty- They merely move it from their faces Into their hearts.Martin Buxbaum (Writer)1912-1991
I love the above quote. Too many times as we age we start to take ourselves too seriously. We forget to laugh, and then are hearts turn cold. Through laughter life looks and is better. If you are miserable and want to stay there or aren't miserable and want to get there, this is the way:
15 Steps to Stay Miserable or How to Get There if You are Not!
- Wait for others to make you happy.
- Blame everyone else for your unhappiness
- Use "if only" whenever you can regarding time, money, or friends.
- Compare what you have with what others have.
- Always be serious.
- Take responsibility for everything bad in the world.
- Try to please everyone all the time, except yourself, and never say "no."
- Help others but don't let anyone help you.
- Consider your own wants unimportant.
- If anyone compliments you, discount it immediately.
- Never laugh or play
- Hide your own thoughts and feelings.
- Resist change at all cost.
- Strive for absolute perfection.
- Always live in the past or in the future never in the present.
Jana Ruth www.janaruth.biz
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Play with These Ideas
- * Jump on your bed.
* Make funny faces at yourself in the mirror
* Get a straw and put it in your mouth to force yourself to smile and wave at passing motorists.
* Dance and sing and play,
* Find a playground.
* Find your baby pictures.
* Play with children or pets.
* Hug and kiss someone
* Take a walk or dance in the rain.
* Watch Singing in the Rain, especially the scene with Gene Kelly dancing in the rain.
* Imitate a well-known comedian or politician, many times they are the same person.
Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Albert Einstein said, “The most important decision we ever make is whether we believe we live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe.” I like this quote. I believe how we choose determines how happy we will be in life.
About two months ago I was in a car accident and totaled my car, and was feeling like I lived in a very hostile universe. I was feeling very sorry for myself. I had a Toyota RAV-4 and loved my car. My thoughts were not positive ones. “What was the universe trying to tell me?” “What lesson was I suppose to learn?”
Now two months later I am driving a Toyota Prius going 500 miles before I need to get gas, and feeling like the universe is very friendly. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey talks about how we walk around with our own weather, and how we determine whether we see a friendly or hostile universe.
Mentally I know that what is happening inside of me is more important that what is happening outside of me. To blame other people, the weather, the situation, my family, is really just a waste of my time and energy. Don’t get me wrong, it seems easier to blame things outside of me and my control, than to accept the responsibility of my life.
I have to constantly work on practicing viewing the universe as friendly. And when I start seeing the universe as hostile, I know I have to only look inside to see what is going on with me. No person, situation, or event can control my life or attitude, or destiny, unless I allow them or it to.
How I see the universe and my life depends on me. I always have the ability to respond or response ability and so do you. We are unfortunately too quick to give our response ability up to someone or something else. We go for the short term fix, blame, instead of the long term solution, happiness.
Here are three things you can do to practice seeing the universe as friendly instead of hostile.
1. At least 10 times a day repeat this affirmation out loud: I am open and receptive to the good and abundance of the universe and I accept it now.
2. Do something nice for yourself at least once a day. Do not wait for the weekend or when you are finished working.
3. Laugh 15 or more times each and every day.
If we would all make a pledge to each other to take responsibility for our own happiness, and lives, and quit blaming each other, think about how much happier we might all be?
My intention is to choose to see the universe as friendly instead of hostile and know that no matter what is happening outside of me I always have the ability to respond and response ability. As the showing goes, “I may not always be able to control what happens to me, but I can always control how I respond to it.”