Fun is Not a Four Letter Word!
As we move into the Conceptual Age, which is past the Informational Age, right brained activities will be more important than left brained activities. Daniel Pink, in his new book, A Whole New Mind. Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future explains that the reason for this is the Three A's. Asia, Abundance, and Automation. So many jobs are being done in Asia, at much lower costs, so we Americans will have to be creative and innovative and come up with new jobs for ourselves to do. Abundance deals with the fact that we have so many products and services so much alike that we will have to come up with innovative products and services to gain customers. And Automation means that so many jobs are and will be automated that again we will have to create new jobs and careers.
I can hardly wait for us to move into this new Conceptual Age. As a long time right-brainer (innovative, spontaneous, dreamer, playful) I know how much more fun and productive being in the my right brain is instead of my left. For too long left-brainers (structured, organized, logical) have been in control. They are still in control and holding on for dear life.
Too many left-brained people think that fun in the workplace is a four-letter word. "This is work, no fun or play allowed." This paradigm is from the Industrial Age, that viewed the employee as the enemy by management, who had to be constantly watched. In the Conceptual age, employees are viewed as volunteers, who bring their whole selves to work. As Stephen R. Covey calls it "The Whole-Person Paradigm." Where every person brings their mind, heart, body, and spirit to work. To do this people must be allowed to have fun.
What stops so many managers from allowing people to have fun at work. I think that it is fear, and that people are struck in the old paradigm of the Industrial Age. It is time to get at least to the Informational Age, if not the Conceptual Age, and left-brainers move over, because us right brainers are ready and WE KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN!!!!!
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Ways and methods of bringing more laughter into the world.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Laughter is...
Laughter is wonderful
Laughter is joyful
Laughter is exercise
Laughter is playful
Laughter is powerful
Laughter is needed
Laughter is play
Laughter is children
Laughter is healing
Laughter is healthy
Laughter is easy
Laughter is contagious
Laughter is universal
Laughter is forgiving
Laughter is understanding
Laughter is communicating
Laughter is fun
Laughter is creative
Laughter is love
Laughter is me
Laughter is you
Laughter is us
Laughter is revolutionary
Laughter is music
Laughter is dance
Laughter is something I do as much as I can. What about you?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Laughter is wonderful
Laughter is joyful
Laughter is exercise
Laughter is playful
Laughter is powerful
Laughter is needed
Laughter is play
Laughter is children
Laughter is healing
Laughter is healthy
Laughter is easy
Laughter is contagious
Laughter is universal
Laughter is forgiving
Laughter is understanding
Laughter is communicating
Laughter is fun
Laughter is creative
Laughter is love
Laughter is me
Laughter is you
Laughter is us
Laughter is revolutionary
Laughter is music
Laughter is dance
Laughter is something I do as much as I can. What about you?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Play with These Ideas
The following ideas come from "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y. for Life." For more information go to
- Give yourself permission to make mistakes, lots of mistakes.
- When you make a mistake put your hands above your head and wiggle your hands and then say, "YIPPEE! How fascinating."
- Realize that life is not a dress rehearsal and you need to take risks and not be afraid of failure or success.
- Do Mirror Play every day, in the morning and night go to the mirror naked and exclaim with enthusiasm, "YIPPEE, I am alive, and I love myself exactly as I am.
- When things go right for you during the day go to the mirror and say, "Thank You," to yourself.
- When you mess up after you say, "YIPPEE! How fascinating," go to the mirror and say, "That's okay I love you anyway.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Women Don't Talk More Then Men
Study: Men Talk Just as Much as Women
by Richard Knox
An article in this week's issue of Science blasts the popular myth that women are more talkative than men. It will be interesting to see if jokes about women talking more and being chatterboxes will cease. It seems that researchers outfitted 210 college students — 179 Americans and 31 Mexicans — with devices that automatically recorded them every 12 1/2 minutes, which amounts to 4 percent of a person's daily utterances.
The researchers found that women speak a little more than 16,000 words a day. Men speak a little less than 16,000 words. The difference is not statistically significant.
Psychologist Matthias Mehl of the University of Arizona says the three top talkers in the study — uttering up to 47,000 words a day — were all men. So was the most taciturn subject, who spoke only 700 words a day, on average.
It seems that women are in the middle when it comes to talking or not. Mehl says he and his colleagues were surprised at the outcome. They had tentatively bought into the popular stereotype that women are the more talkative sex.But they were skeptical of the widespread claim that women use three times more words a day then men.
But until the Science study published this week, its authors say, no one had ever systematically recorded the total daily output, in natural conversations, of a sizable number of people.
Mehl says the supposed talkativeness of women is often mentioned in pop-psychology books.
"The typical scenario is — a man comes home from work at night, has used 6,850 words and with 150 left over just wants to relax and not talk," Mehl says. "And the woman welcomes the husband with about 7,856 words left over. And that's where all the problems start."
Mehl guesses that the talkativeness claim "evolved as an explanation for what scientists call the demand/withdrawal pattern." That is, the situation where a woman demands to talk through problems and her male partner withdraws emotionally.
"We use our gender magnifying glass and over-generalize from that," Mehl says. "Instead of saying that men tend to talk less and women tend to talk more, we say 'Women always talk and men never talk.'"Even so, the researchers, based at the University of Texas as well as at Arizona, didn't expect the verbal output between the sexes to be virtually equal. Mehl acknowledges that many will have trouble believing the results, since it contradicts their own perceptions.
"This is the way the stereotype has been maintained in the past," he says. "It is fairly easy to see what you want to see — to jump on the very chatty woman that you certainly find and say,
'See, women talk a lot' and to overlook the very talkative man."
Mehl says the stereotype needs to be debunked. Not only because women are harmed by the "female chatterbox and silent male" stereotype, but because men are disadvantaged by it, too.
"It puts men into the gender box, that in order to be a good male, we'd better not talk — (that) silence is golden," Mehl says. "The stereotype puts unfortunate constraints on men and women – the idea that you can only happily be a woman if you're talkative and you can only be happy as a man if you're reticent. The study relieves those gender constraints."
In general, they found that women tend to talk more about relationships. Their everyday conversation is more studded with pronouns. Men tend to talk more about sports and gadgets, and their utterances include more numbers.
Study: Men Talk Just as Much as Women
by Richard Knox
An article in this week's issue of Science blasts the popular myth that women are more talkative than men. It will be interesting to see if jokes about women talking more and being chatterboxes will cease. It seems that researchers outfitted 210 college students — 179 Americans and 31 Mexicans — with devices that automatically recorded them every 12 1/2 minutes, which amounts to 4 percent of a person's daily utterances.
The researchers found that women speak a little more than 16,000 words a day. Men speak a little less than 16,000 words. The difference is not statistically significant.
Psychologist Matthias Mehl of the University of Arizona says the three top talkers in the study — uttering up to 47,000 words a day — were all men. So was the most taciturn subject, who spoke only 700 words a day, on average.
It seems that women are in the middle when it comes to talking or not. Mehl says he and his colleagues were surprised at the outcome. They had tentatively bought into the popular stereotype that women are the more talkative sex.But they were skeptical of the widespread claim that women use three times more words a day then men.
But until the Science study published this week, its authors say, no one had ever systematically recorded the total daily output, in natural conversations, of a sizable number of people.
Mehl says the supposed talkativeness of women is often mentioned in pop-psychology books.
"The typical scenario is — a man comes home from work at night, has used 6,850 words and with 150 left over just wants to relax and not talk," Mehl says. "And the woman welcomes the husband with about 7,856 words left over. And that's where all the problems start."
Mehl guesses that the talkativeness claim "evolved as an explanation for what scientists call the demand/withdrawal pattern." That is, the situation where a woman demands to talk through problems and her male partner withdraws emotionally.
"We use our gender magnifying glass and over-generalize from that," Mehl says. "Instead of saying that men tend to talk less and women tend to talk more, we say 'Women always talk and men never talk.'"Even so, the researchers, based at the University of Texas as well as at Arizona, didn't expect the verbal output between the sexes to be virtually equal. Mehl acknowledges that many will have trouble believing the results, since it contradicts their own perceptions.
"This is the way the stereotype has been maintained in the past," he says. "It is fairly easy to see what you want to see — to jump on the very chatty woman that you certainly find and say,
'See, women talk a lot' and to overlook the very talkative man."
Mehl says the stereotype needs to be debunked. Not only because women are harmed by the "female chatterbox and silent male" stereotype, but because men are disadvantaged by it, too.
"It puts men into the gender box, that in order to be a good male, we'd better not talk — (that) silence is golden," Mehl says. "The stereotype puts unfortunate constraints on men and women – the idea that you can only happily be a woman if you're talkative and you can only be happy as a man if you're reticent. The study relieves those gender constraints."
In general, they found that women tend to talk more about relationships. Their everyday conversation is more studded with pronouns. Men tend to talk more about sports and gadgets, and their utterances include more numbers.
I found this article very interesting and wonder if this will change the jokes being made around woman being such chatterboxes and talking all the time. What do you think?
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